…And How Health and Safety Can affect Your Business’ Bottom Line
Official statistics show that the total cost associated with injury and ill health were at £14 billion in 2012/2013 and 28.2 million working days were lost due to work related ill health or injury in 2013/2014.

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Complying to strict health and safety guidelines can be costly, not when it comes to money, but also with the time and productivity of your company. However, the situation would be much worse if the rate of fatalities and injuries were to rise. Complying with health and safety regulations will overall be beneficial to your company and the time and money invested will be very much worth it.
That’s why it is important that a high-level, yet balanced health and safety legalisation is adhered to, it’s not only beneficial to the UK’s economy as a whole, but it is also important to your businesses’ bottom line.
The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992 states that all PPE used at work must be manufactured in accordance to regulations and carry appropriate CE marking identifying that the product has met the minimum requirements for its design. So as part of your health and safety policies, you should therefore ensure that you invest in appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and make sure it is CE marked so enable you to adhere to the regulations.
Be aware when purchasing your PPE and avoid any products that may be fraudulently marked as they will be of low quality and will not provide the protection required for your workforce – there have been a number of cases of non-compliant and fraudulently marked PPE wear being sold in the UK so make sure you are not caught out! You can find a list of PPE suppliers that are registered with the BSiF (the British Safety Industry Federation) here.
To show you adhere to the health and safety requirements, you can join the Registered Safety Supplier Scheme run by BSiF, click here for more information.
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