Market Research: Increase In Home & Outdoor Renovations

Your Next Customer Is Waiting For You…

There is so much uncertainty regarding the housing market and the value of property. But what we do know is how much UK homeowners are investing in their properties since the beginning of lockdown.

Renovation Figures  

UK homeowners have spent £55billion*on renovations to their properties. That works out to be an average of £4,035.70spent on each home since the lockdown restrictions began in March. As a Trade Partner – that is interesting news – however the question is are you making the most out of the increase of business?

As a Milwood Trade Partner – you find yourself in a unique position– according to reports the renovation of outdoor living areas and garden studios provide the most value. This should be the light bulb moment as you provide the service of carports, verandas and canopy solutions – not to mention incredible glass rooms.

For those thinking – outdoor solutions are predominantly a spring and summer purchase –we now find ourselves in this unusual environment of ‘winter renovations’which is on the rise. With the likelihood of spending Christmas and the New Year at home – homeowners will improve their outdoor living space, creating that new space for their family to utilize as outdoor movement is limited.

Plan of Action

As the supplier – we are extremely eager to spread this message out. There is massive potential to end the year with some good sales figures both for us and you the Trade Partner. Securing jobs for glass rooms, verandas and canopy solution – will give the customer;

  • Increase value to the property
  • More outdoor space to use – considering the fact Christmas & New Year is likely to be spend indoors

In order to ensure you take advantage of this unique opportunity – email your client list about renovating their outdoor living shape just in time for Christmas – giving you and your family a new place to spread the festive joy.

Show your current customers the extensive range of products we offer – ensuring that you can help them invest in their property or add another glass room to the house to give them an outdoor living solution to compromised for the COVID problem regarding Christmas/New Year social outings.When working on jobs – provide some sort of direct marketing whether that’s simple signage posters around the area of work – or simply handing out leaflets to the locals.

For any enquiries regarding marketing please contact [email protected]who will advise you on getting the best out of the Milwood products.


If you’re looking for a new Top or Fixed Frame for your customer’s outdoor living space, be sure to enquire today and contact us on 0333 305 5272 or email [email protected].

Download our brochure to view our full product range:

download our trade carport, canopy and veranda brochure

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