Latest News

Milwood Training Academy

The Milwood training academy has been up and  running for almost a year and has received an amazing response from the graduates that have spent the day training at the academy. We introduced the training academy so all our  approved trade partners could learn how to correctly install our systems, providing them with the confidence they need when installing [...]


Install of the Month

This is a fantastic installation by Absolute Shelters of a Simplicity 16 with the addition of solid polycarbonate infills on the front. Owner Jordan Wood was contacted by the customer who wanted an update to their makeshift carport that was a timber and corrugated plastic structure that was now leaking. [...]


Simplicity 16 is Now Better Than Ever

We’ve made an important upgrade to our Simplicity 16 system and we’re sure that it will help you secure more sales of this fantastic canopy! The Simplicity 16 now shares the same wall plate and eaves gutter profile as the bestselling Simplicity 6. The key features of this upgrade are: [...]


Online create a quote portal

After months of hard work, testing and tweaking, Milwood are happy to announce that our online quoting portal is up and running ready for all our trade partners to use. It is now easier than ever to put together a unique quote for your customers. Here are some simple steps to [...]


New extra part order form

We've added an extra parts order form so you can now order individual components in one dedicated area. Requests for extra or replacement parts can be difficult to track at this end with the amount of full kit orders that come in so we would appreciate that you use this [...]


Install of the month

Our installation of the month is Architectural Glazing Ltd.'s first installation of a Simplicity 6 veranda with the Victorian Upgrade. Here's what the company Director had to say about his experience with us. "This was the first job for Premier Architectural Glazing Ltd. working in partnership with The Milwood Group. [...]


Online Order Form

We have now made it easier and more efficient for you to place orders. After a lot of designing and hard work we have now completed our online order form and encourage all of our Trade partners to use it. It's so simple to use, it is more efficient in response for CAD [...]


5* Offer Ending Soon…..

Milwood's exclusive 5* offer is coming to an end, take advantage now! Orders must be placed by  December 31st to be eligible. Our 5 Star offer includes... Offer valid till the 31st December 2018 or while stock last! 5% off on selected awnings while stocks last * 50% off lighting & a [...]


Five Ways To Keep Your Installation Business Strong

It’s no secret at the moment, that there are a lot of job cuts and businesses going into administration. Big names like Toys r’ Us have disappeared, and some high street retailers are also facing uncertain futures. For those working with commercial clients, this might be a worrying time. With [...]


Five Ways To Increase Revenue This Winter

The winter can be a hard time for installers. Customers can be tempted to put off installations until after Christmas and the winter. This can leave you in a challenging position to earn revenue. Yet there are numerous ways you can increase revenue this winter. Here are five options for [...]

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