When you becoming an Approved Milwood Trade Partner, there are several benefits you’ll receive. This includes marketing materials such as landing pages, lead generation, and documentation to help you sell to customers.
These can be really useful for helping you sell to customers. But we also offer other benefits to help you with your business.
Introducing The Milwood Training Academy
When you first become an Approved Milwood Trade Partner, you are eligible for a training day at our Milwood Training Academy. There you will have product, technical and installation training. This will cover each of our products.
By the end of the day, you should know all about our systems so you’ll be comfortable with all the technical specifications of our products. This knowledge, with the skills to install our products, will provide you with confidence.
The Milwood Training Academy is held in Leicestershire, so it’s easy reach for all new Approved Milwood Trade Partners whether they are based in England, Scotland or Wales.
The training day is free for all new Approved Milwood Trade Partners. However, travel, accommodation and food is not included in the day. There’s easy access to amenities nearby and you are welcome to bring a packed lunch with you.
You should also ensure all those attending bring equipment to take notes on. There will be a lot of information to take in on the day.
What If I Am Already An Approved Milwood Trade Partner?
If you’re already an Approved Milwood Trade Partner and you haven’t attended a training day, you might not be eligible for the day. That said, if you think that your team could benefit from attending a session at our Milwood Training Academy, then please contact us. We might be able to offer you a session as an exception.
Booking Your Session
Your training day is booked when you’re approved as a Milwood Trade Partner. We will contact you to arrange a date. However, you can also contact us once you’re approved to arrange a date.